Wednesday, August 3, 2011

New Print: "IB Corn Cobb" 080211

This piece was a collaboration - Want & Padoop of

Designing with Padoop helps me to loosen my hand, keep my marks sincere, gestural and fluid. She loves doing the circle exercise on just about every canvas as you can see. It reminds me that we can all really use a good circle exercise now and again. Recently, Padoop has been experimenting with Crayola Crayons after spending a heck of a time trying to work on her shapes with cheaper sticks made with way too much wax and very little pigment.

Just another day in the studio!

- Want

8X10 Prints are available for purchase. For more information email or

Friday, July 29, 2011

Blaine Fontana - Amalgamate

AMALGAMATE:The Fine Art, Design, & Exploration of Blaine Fontana (A Brief Flip Through) from Blaine Fontana on Vimeo.

Last Saturday, Padoop & I made the trek out to Long Beach to catch Blaine at {Open} where he was in town signing his new book "Amalgamate." As always Blaine and Eugene were very cool. We hung out a bit, picked up the book, got it signed and had to head out pretty quickly. The book is fantastic! It's filled with Blaine's recent work – filled with challenges and inspiration! As I told Blaine, his passion and drive are evident in his work and the fact that he doesn't choose to just ride the wave, but rather continues to challenge and push himself by tackling new projects and mark making from new angles is always refreshing.

Thanks for the book and for continuing to inspire so many other artists!


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Snack Art

A favorite at snack time! Avocado on whole wheat with cherry tomatoes :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A few words on having proactive people involved…

I spent the morning yesterday in a breakfast weekend meeting with a new client and potential business partner. It was a good and productive time, discussing ideas, approaches and making the most of current opportunities. A couple things were said during the discussion that stuck in my head and that I wanted to write about.

As we talked about ideas we had for a creative space, a whole list of "side projects" began and we both kept proposing ways of attacking them. At one point, she said something to the affect of "I'm not a professional, and I don't know all about this aspect of things, but WHO CARES!? I'll give it a try, do my best and see how things come out."

"EXACTLY!" I said. "I wish more people had that mindset!"

As the meeting went on, I kept thinking about how it is so important, when you have a creative vision on a given project and are trying to move forward with it, that you have people around who have a "let's give it a go" attitude, rather than a passive and lazy one. I recently wrote about how when I was an art student I had a roommate who was always ready to jump up and head out the door with our cameras to find a spot in the city to shoot pictures. This was a great blessing, something that really fed my creative drive, and helped me keep my momentum on projects. Having that person around who is willing to GO on a project and do their best to find good, creative solutions, try things out, and make adjustments as they go, makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE! Many an idea has been executed & grown because of people like this. And many an idea has been killed or abandoned by people who DON'T ACT on their creative vision because they aren't a "professional" in a given area or haven't taken "a class" on how to do something.

There are so many possible outcomes when one sits down at the creative drawing board to attack a project and bring an idea to fruition. Still, many of those possibilities will only be found when the people involved are adventurous, willing to explore new territory, and willing to learn through the process. So, when you find yourself sitting next to someone who has passion and a proactive attitude, make the most of it, encourage it, emulate it, and watch it grow!

- Want

Friday, April 1, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bottles In The Offing

Pulled out a handful of unfinished bottle projects I might revive for the "In The Offing" solo show coming up. That's right, a Visual Syntax solo show! More on that to come ;) Stay tuned.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Objectified - Apple Bit

If you haven't already seen it, I recommend watching "Objectified" a documentary film by Gary Hustwit. (It's currently on Instant Watch on Netflix :) This is a clip I really enjoyed that focuses on Apple and their attention to detail and the care they put into the design of their product. Enjoy.

Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

TC Wolverines Jr. Pee Wee 2010 Team Poster

Just finished designing the TC Wolverines' poster (30"X20") Currently working on a big order for the team banquet that's coming up. Praise God for this gig and the opportunity to encourage these little warriors and the parents who work so hard and put out so much so these boys can learn valuable lessons like teamwork, discipline, how to work under pressure, how to follow and serve, and how to find balance in strength and accuracy, strategy, and hard work and consistency. They will see the benefits of these experiences throughout the rest of their lives.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


It's very true and something that so many artists attest to–that trying to create helps us appreciate the immense complexity, unmatched efficiency and wondrous beauty in the work of our Creator. "To Him be the glory forever and ever!"

Thursday, February 10, 2011