Saturday, December 19, 2009


Not at all paying attention to the release date or anything, on a whim last night I went to see this movie at a Krikorian theater. I'd been wanting to check the local one out. I also chose to try out the 3D version because that was the only show left at 11pm. Normally, I can't handle the 3D:( I get a headache.

I left that theater blown away, inspired, and with no headache! BEAUTIFUL! BEAUTIFUL! BEAUTIFUL!!! In addition to watching many nature videos, I have been taking walks and just been blown away by all the amazing, diverse shapes, colors, textures, smells, and sounds of God's artwork! And I'm just in a small city!! I've been collecting leaves and flowers of all kinds of colors and have a bunch of ideas that have been floating in my head for a series I want to do inspired by the plants I've collected and by God's amazing, creative, perfect, functional work on this planet.

Well, what I saw in the theater last night was God's influence on man's creativity. EVERY SINGLE BEAUTIFUL THING that was in that forest was CLEARLY inspired by God's work that man has been studying in nature since the beginning! And what's even more amazing is that man-the pinnacle of His artwork-is HIS WORK responding to HIS WORK!!! With the brain, eyes, hands, 'skill and invention' that HE GAVE US, we have been able-when we're not foolishly using our gifts to corrupt ourselves-to create beautiful and moving artwork that gives more and more glory to Him!!! What a PERFECT setup!

One last point-The movie was indeed a wonderful feast to the eyes, and a great experience of a ride. And, if silly little man is doing this here on Earth, just imagine what "art" God has been doing since the creation. Imagine what glorious and beautiful feasts He has in store for those who make it up to His studio! Why that's reason enough for ANY ARTIST and lover of beauty to do their best to get in to see that show! Of course, this is not THE reason. But, it's a reason.

Glory to the Originator or art!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dovetail Inspires Again

I had the pleasure of being a classmate of Mr. Cabeje's back in the day. His work continues to inspire me. When they asked him to sketch a concept for this window over at Dolce Vita, they liked his sketch so much they asked if he could paint it. They soon discovered they had a very talented painter on their hands as well as graphic designer! Way to step up Dovetail! This guy works hard and his sacrifice is paying off. Glad to see it.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


The female is without a doubt one of the most amazing and beautiful things God created. So many times when I watch professional female dancers I think, "It's like watching a flower dance!" It's like taking the splendor and aesthetic beauty of the most glorious and brilliant flower from a garden and adding amazing human, soulful, rhythmic, intentional motion, elegance, strength, and emotion. Beyond the sheer entertainment, it is always an opportunity to note and appreciate the glorious coming together of some of the best visual work in the universe and some of the most amazing phenomena in human mental & spiritual capacity and creativity. In short, it is a wonderful art form that accentuates the original design. It's too bad that it is so often misused today. Still, as with all forms of art and creative output, the job of upholding the integrity and sincerity of the art form is that of the members of the artistic community.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Truth & Beauty Sawhorse

I snapped a few shots of this construction sawhorse that I walked by one day a while back. Someone had worked on it and set it on the sidewalk in a high-traffic area. It inspired me.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


The best teachers stay with you and continue to teach you long after you've left their presence.

I miss my teacher.

- Want

Monday, November 16, 2009

New Photo Work Posted - Check it out

Photography|People|Royal Velvet Series

Friday, November 13, 2009

Serato Scratch Live

This is a great tool for doing something I've been interested in seeing and playing with for a while - Instead of samples of other peoples output, taking YOUR OWN digitally recorded output and cut and scratch it. More specifically, instead of taking your work created for a different purpose or project and cutting that up and scratching it, etc.,... instead, a tool like this actually gives you the ability to record a bass line, a guitar line, a drum beat, etc. for the specific purpose of creating a cut and scratched piece. This allows a turntablist to embrace a more modern technology and musical instrument, while moving away from sampling and that area of stealing other people's work and chopping it up for your own purposes. Feel me? I'm not in "the scene" where one would have heard about this when it first came out, so I guess this blog out of date. Still, I just heard about it and wanted to mention it. I've grown to appreciate the ability of the turntablist and the nuances of the instruments used. But, have had a strong disdain for the rampant, unrestrained and irreverent sampling/stealing that goes on. A tool like this allows one to get into this new technology/instrumentation while not compromising the integrity of the musician.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


For•swear |fôrˈswe(ə)r|

verb ( past -swore ; past part. -sworn ) [ trans. ] formal
agree to give up or do without (something) : he would never forswear the religion of his people.
• ( forswear oneself/be forsworn) swear falsely; commit perjury : I swore that I would lead us safely home and I do not mean to be forsworn.

ORIGIN Old English forswerian (see for- , swear ).

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sowing The Seeds Of Love - Tears For Fears

High time we made a stand and shook up the views of the common man
And the lovetrain rides from coast to coast
D.J.'s the man we love the most
Could you be, could you be squeaky clean
And smash any hope of democracry ?
As the headline says you're free to choose
There's egg on your face and mud on your shoes
One of these days they're gonna call it the blues
And anything is possible when you're Sowing the Seeds of Love
Anything is possible - Sowing the Seeds of Love
I spy tears in thier eyes
They look to the skies for some kind of divine intervention
Food goes to waste !
So nice to eat, so nice to taste
Politician Grannie with your high ideals
Have you no idea how the Majority feels ?
So without love and a promise land
We're fools to the rules of a Goverment plan
Kick out the style ! Bring back the jam !
Sowing the Seeds
The birds and the bees
My girlfriend and me in love
Feel the pain
Talk about it
If you're a worried man - then shout about it
Open hearts - feel about it
Open minds - think about it
Everyone - read about it
Everyone - scream about it !
Everyone - read about it, read about it
Read in the books in the crannies and the nooks there are books to read
Chorus !
(Mr. England Sowing the Seeds of Love)
Time to eat all your words
Swallow your pride
Open your eyes
High time we made a stand and shook up the views of the common man
And the lovetrain rides from coast to coast
Every minute of every hour - " I Love a Sunflower "
And I believe in lovepower, Love power, LOVEPOWER !!!
Sowing the Seeds
An end to need
And the Politics of Greed

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Went to bed pensive. Wrote this in the morning.

Friday, October 23, 2009

"Look about you."

Along with a handful of other things, I have been reading Tracy and Hepburn by Garson Kanin. I picked it up a few months ago from the local used book store for a buck or two and started it, had it sitting untouched in the restroom a while, and finally sat through another good chunk of it tonight. I marked this passage in the book and decided to blog about it. It touches on a typical notion you'd expect to find blogged about in an art/design blog, but makes an important and good point at the end (and did so when it was published in 1970, almost 40 years ago) about the notion of "conforming to nonconformity" - something I feel more and more is at the heart of so many "artistic" tendencies in many areas today in 2009 as our generation and the up-and-coming generation seems to believe with such conviction that EVERY off-the-wall notion should be not only entertained and paid attention to, but that we should "TOTALLY" add it to the unending list of "NEW" and "COOL" USELESSSSSS TV shows. We have such a long long way to go to enter the space that was occupied by the likes of true originals like Tracy and Hepburn and SO MANY other GREAT true creatives of the "old days." And to get there it takes more than just being "RANDOM" (This generation's FAVORITE word of praise often followed by other jewels like "SICK" and "DOPE.")

Kanin writes...

"Here is another own-way thing. Jules Dassin submits a play to Kate. It is an English adaptation of a French success, Days in the Trees, by Marguerite Duras. Dassin hopes to interest Kate in a Broadway production. She reads it at once, goes to her desk, sits down, begins to write. "My dear Mr. Dassin: Thank you so much for sending me this fascinating play. I found it most interesting, but unfortunately..."

She stops. Her false tone offends her. She picks up a new sheet of paper and begins again. "Dear Jules Dassin: Try as I will I cannot make head or tail of this confusing manuscript, and therefore..."

She stops again. Once more, "Mr. Dassin: This is surely the most idiotic and depressing piece of claptrap I have ever in all my life..."

No. She has gone too far, she thinks.

Finally, "Dear Mr. Dassin: I am grateful to you for thinking of me in connection with your play. I am returning it to you unread, as, alas, I am not available at this time, and have no idea as to when I might..."

No, again. Why lie?

Later, she tells us of her struggle to find the proper response, and quotes these four beginnings.

"And what did you decide in the end?" asks Ruth.

"Oh, I just put all four of them into an envelope and sent it off to him!"

These days actresses (and actors too!) strip to the buff at the drop of a direction and think nothing of it, but how many of them would be willing to remove their protective facade of their minds or spirits or opinions?

It has been said that we owe the greatest part of our social and scientific progress to the eccentrics. Those who firmly follow the rules of the game, the status quo, the that's-how-things-are-done we've-always-done-it-this-way school of thinking, are not likely to break out and contribute much that is new. It is the original, the nonconformist, the iconoclast, the I-don't-give-a-damn type who audaciously leads us to take a new step, or an old one in a new direction.

The danger is that unconventional people are likely to be ridiculed, and sometimes ostracized. The strong among them persist. The young today understand this principle well as they rally around their trenchantly coined dictum of "doing your own thing." Unfortunately, there is a trap here, too, since it is possible to conform with nonconformity. Look about you...

...We are all related-by ink, if not by blood-to Walter Mitty. We all have dreams of glory; aspirations, plans, schemes, and designs. Why then are so few of them executed and why do only a small number come to fruition? It is because too many lack the nerve it takes to step out of line, and it is this brand of courage in Kate and her eccentric compatriots to which we respond."

Monday, October 19, 2009

On Skate Expression

I was just telling my boy that while I give these pro skaters mad props for their talent and ability with a board, I often wish to see some skaters who go beyond the kick flips and tricks you see in all the magazines and skate vids. Not that what these guys are doing isn't cool. I just think there's a tendency for a lot of them to get caught limiting their creative exploration by setting their sights only on copying cool tricks and not necessarily taking the tricks further or adding layers of creative movements. I'd expound on what I mean in detail, but my boy just showed me this video of Louie Barletta. The kind of creativity and added layers of movements in his skating and tricking are EXACTLY the kind of thing I'm talkin about!

As an artist, I appreciate what a lot of skaters in this exploding & expanding arena are doing for sure and think it's a beautiful sport/art. I also ESPECIALLY love the fact that through this art form, you're getting a group of passionate heads together all joining in and helping to produce, not just the skate tricks, but the filming and editing, then the added layers of audio editing, and further performance aspects to create the inspiring and entertaining montages we get to enjoy. The camaraderie is great too, as well as the perpetuation of creative output that also gets our kids out of the house, away from the growth-stunting and diluting T.V. and off their butts and moving around... IT'S EXCELLENT!

And to those who hate on skateboarding across the board, of course ANYTHING can be (and just about EVERYTHING has been at one time or another) corrupted and turned into a reason or occasion for deviance. But, this isn't a reason to hate on skating any more than it is a reason to hate on garage bands, football, basketball, theater groups, dance teams, or any other group activity our kids can get involved in. It's up to the people in these groups, and especially the parents of the young ones, to make sure that they are bringing principles with them wherever they go. These activities can be saving distractions from much of the dissipation our kids are tempted with at earlier and earlier ages these days. As with all "drugs" (those things which take you to a different mind state), the character of the person is the variable. You can DANCE, SING, SKATE, PLAY, SWIM, PAINT or DRAW yourself into another state of mind. But, WHAT that state of mind that you get to IS is up to you!

I guess I had more to say about this skating thing than I thought when I hit the blog for a quick post today :P But, I think you get my drift. I'm excited to see the sport/art form develop and to see new artists like Barletta take it in more and more creative directions. I encourage them all to keep it sober, keep it pure, and remind them that the best way to do that is to keep it tied to their GREATER goals in the unseen realm. Staying focused in this way will make anything they get into, learn about and explore worthwhile.


- Want

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Multi-Layered Artist

Mixing fantastic musical talent with superb comedy and showmanship, this family of artists has been a wonderful inspiration and example of layering art upon art.

Art of the Originator of Art

Using the forces of nature, the laws of physics, color, sound, and life itself as His materials, the Ultimate Artist produces the best CREATIVE OUTPUT ever taken in. And the purpose behind it all goes way beyond mere sensuous form and physical function. In the unseen arena–that which matters most of all–He has shown His art to be the most efficient and effective phenomenon for effecting change and growth. To learn from His art and output is to be enlightened to the beginning and end of "art" itself.